Wednesday 30 May 2012

Obert Moyo SA bound?

Caps United defender, Obert Moyo, looks set for a return to South Africa, following the recent promotion of his former club, Pretoria University to the elite Absa Premiership league. Moyo, who was in South Africa this past weekend, is rumoured to be negotiating with the AmaTuks for a return to SA, where he captained the club to the Nedbank finals of 2009.

His presence at the Premier Soccer League Awards, where his former team was honoured for winning the first division further added to the speculation. He played his cards close to his chest regarding the move.

“It is just a coincidence. I was in Johannesburg on personal business and heard about the awards and thought of attending,” he told The Zimbabwean.

Warriors vs Caps united @ Nss B arena

Half time Caps 2- Zimbabwe 1 B-arena friendly
Goals from Pakamisa and Pride
Mawarriors arikupendwa

CAPS fires Nagoli

Kenny Nagoli, CAPS United assistant coach who has given himself a bad-boy tag after manhandling head mentor Sean Connor at a training camp recently has been booted out of the “Green Machine”, Real Soccer Investigating Unit can exclusively reveal.
In what  could  be  a major  turning point in CAPS United  fortunes, the  Green  Machine   Management  have  suspended   Nagoli  for  indiscipline  as CAPS  United   is leaving  no  stone  unturned  in a bid  to  turn  around  their  bad  start  to the  season.
As  such,  in  a bid  to  bring  togetherness  and  improve  teamwork,  the  team  decided  to  introduce  the concept of camping  before  matches.
Recently,  they were camped  at  the  exotic   Ochi  City   Safaris  on the outskirts  of  Harare  when  Nagoli  decided  to  indulge  himself into the wise waters.
After  downing  a couple  of  shots  – getting inebriated to the marrow –  the  coach decided  to  change  venue  and   asked  the  team bus  driver  to  take him to town.
According to impeccable sources, as they were driving  out,  Sean  Connor   noticed  the  team  bus  taking off and  quickly  rushed  to find out what was happening.
Said the sources: “On  arrival  at the  gate  where  the  bus   had  stopped,   Sean  Connor  was  confronted  by  a drunk  Nagoli  who  started  shouting  abusive  language  in  vernacular  to the  Irishman who  stood  stone cold  in amazement.
“A  heated   argument  ensued  and  it took  some  members  of  the  CAPS  United  security  and   lieutenant coach Lloyd   Chitembwe  to  cool  down the  tempers.  Nagoli  then,   in a  huff, decided   to  proceed  to the  main  road  on foot  but  quickly  realised  that  the  3km  journey  from  Ochi  City  to the  main  road was no  easy  stroll in the park.
“The  coach  then  returned  to  the  lodges  in a bid  to  unleash  a showdown on the  Irishman.  There  was  commotion at the  Lodges  and  the   CAPS United CEO  Max  Mironga   was  contacted  and immediately  requested  Nagoli  to leave  camp. The  same  team  bus  that was  supposed   to  take  him on  joy  ride   ended  up embarking on  sorrowful  ride  back home.”
Real Soccer can confirm that Nagoli  was then served  with  a letter of  suspension  and  was  conspicuous by  his  absence  on the  Caps  United  bench  when they trounced  FC  Platinum 3- 1  last week.
Nagoli  is  a  close  associate  of  Lloyd  Chitembwe  and  has  been  the  latters  favourite   partner in “crime”.
The absence  of   Nagoli  meant  that  legendary   goalkeeper  Brenna  ‘Baba Gari”  Msiska  has  been  elevated  to  the third position on  the  Technical  bench.
Nagoli  is  expected   to  appear  before  the  team’s   directors  soon  for  a final  verdict  and  chances  are  high that he will not return to  the “Green Machine”  anytime soon.
CAPS United had been a victim of a top-heavy structure of its technical department that has about five coaches, with Richard Tswatswa and  Joel Luphahla  also coming into the picture.
Nagoli’s ejection from the CAPS United structures is probably the much-needed natural attrition to thin the densely populated technical bench of the Green Machine*

My Hands are Clean Zisupa

Caps Utd supporter Suppa Mushonga says his hands are clean following the clash with David Kuyauripo. Supa said he never had his hands on the 31 yr old Dynamos defender and accused him of extorting US$550 from him. ''I never beat Kutyauripo but he is the one who came to me fuming about the messages i had send to him. H e started by sending my girlfriend messages and she would show me. ''I am dating Monica Kwawrire, sister to King Shaddy, and she was once married to Kutyauripo . '' On the day in question, he started poking me before he was restrained by both Caps and FC Platinum fans. '' He wanted to cause a scene but i was calm. 'Moments later he ran towards my car and that is when the other guys beat him up. ''He further persued me to Copacabana where CAPS UTD fans normally gather after matches. HE WAS BEING TIPPED OFF ON MY MOVEMENTS BY ELIJA ALSO KNOWN AS MUPOSITORI,'' he said. I suggested the issue be settled at the police station and i drove to Harare Central Police station and Kutyauripo was hanging dangerous on my Toyota Raum. '' To my surprise, i was detained along with my friend Tongai Chapanga.. We slept in a cell and Kutyauripo demanded us$450 for medication. He claimed he had sustained internal injuries yet we never saw a medical affidavit. ''On Saturday i also forked out us$100 for the of my friend Tongai, ''said the 34 yr old supporter. Supa, a taxi owner revealed that Kutyauripo was bitter over Monica. ''I never did anything to him but he hates me over Monica. He once dated her and he still wants to sleep with Monica. ''He cant get over her but surprisingly he is a married man. After my release there were some Dynamos hooligans who wanted to attacke me on my way home. '' I just want him to stay away from my life and my girlfriend, fumed Suppa......

Postpone all fixtures: PSL club

EYEBROWS have been raised over the postponement of the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League match between FC Platinum and Quelaton with some clubs calling for the cancellation of all league matches.

But the league yesterday said it had set other teams’ fixtures after considering the heavy fixture schedule  later in the year with so many international commitments lined up. Apart from the Warriors, Dynamos has a potential of missing eight weekends due to their participation in the Confederation Cup.
Also lined up is the Cosafa Senior Men’s Challenge in July.
The PSL postponed the FC Platinum match set for Mandava Stadium this week despite the fact that the club only has two players in camp with the national team which is preparing for the World Cup qualifier against Guinea at the National Sports Stadium on Sunday.
Asked to comment on the postponement, PSL chief executive officer Kennedy Ndebele said the match was postponed because Warriors coach Rahman Gumbo  was also the coach of FC Platinum.
“They have two players yes but remember, Rahman is also their head coach,” said Ndebele.
He said the league had used its discretion on the FC Platinum match as they felt the coach was as good as the absent players.
Charles Sibanda and surprise inclusion Welcome Ndiweni are the two FC Platinum players in camp with the Warriors.
Bulawayo-based side, Chicken Inn, who have two players with the national team in Njabulo Nyoni and Kudakwashe Mahachi, said while they might not have a problem with the postponement of the match, it was their opinion that all games should have been cancelled, since a precedent has been set before.
“We have no problem with that but we feel they should have postponed all the games as this is an international week. There is a precedent already,” said Chicken Inn chairman Lifa Ncube.
Zifa chief executive officer Jonathan Mashingaidze said as Zifa they do not interfere with the running of the PSL.
Last weekend, all PSL games were cancelled to accommodate the  Benjani Mwaruwari testimonial match at the National Sports Stadium despite the fact that it was not even on the Fifa calendar which compels clubs to release their players for national duty.
The testimonial saw the match between old foes Highlanders and Dynamos set for Barbourfields Stadium being postponed as the Harare giants had three players in the Warriors team that played the testimonial match.
Recently Gunners wanted their match against FC Platinum postponed because they had three players in the Zimbabwe Futsal team that lost to South Africa in a Fifa sanctioned World Cup qualifier match but their request was shot down.
Grudgingly they went to Mandava Stadium and lost the match 2-1.
In other countries, five-a-side is a stand alone association like beach soccer with none of the players crossing over.
Meanwhile, Hardbody’s match against Caps United set for Ascot Stadium on Saturday hangs in the balance following the call up of two more Makepekepe players by Gumbo into the Warriors camp to bring to four the number of Caps United players in camp with the national team.
Gumbo called up Caps United skipper David Sengu and winger Rahman Kutsanzira in addition to Tapiwa Khumbuyani and Nyasha Mukumbi who were called up earlier.
Asked whether the match was still on following the latest developments, Ndebele said: “I am yet to get an official position on that and until then I cannot say whether the match will be postponed or not”.

Our Manager Sean Conner

Northern Irish coach out to relaunch career in Zimbabwe

Northern Irish coach Sean Connor says he has moved to Zimbabwe to relaunch his career rather than for the money.
He has joined Harare club CAPS United as he aims to get his career moving in the right direction again.
He had a good record in the League of Ireland until moving to Galway United, but the club ran into serious financial problems last year and went on a 23-match losing run, an Irish record.
"Up until then my CV had been fairly decent," Connor,44, told BBC Sport.
The league kicks off this Saturday, and Connor is the first European coach to venture into Zimbabwean club football in almost 10 years.
CAPS United facts
Formed: 1973 by pharmaceutical company CAPS Holdings
League champions: 1979, 1996, 2004, 2005
Nicknames: The Green Machine, Makepekepe (The Cup Kings)
Colours: Green and white
After the spell at Galway Connor decided he needed to look further afield in order to relaunch his coaching career.
"I'd been trying to get jobs in England and Scotland, and I felt that after last year at Galway that I might need to do something different on my CV to fulfil that ambition.
"There were three or four opportunities that I was offered and I feel that CAPS United is well-run and the club facilities are fantastic so hopefully it's a start to reinvigorating my career."
Connor has a two-year contract with CAPS United, who are among the country's three best-supported clubs but last won the league in 2005.
He believes that coaching in Africa is not merely about passing on his own knowledge, but that the continent offers European coaches opportunities to develop.
"I'm out here to see if the philosophy and the ideas that I have can work in a different environment and to see what I can pick up here and see what qualities of African football I can add to my skill set," he said.
Continue reading the main story

I'm out here to see if the philosophy and the ideas that I have can work in a different environment

Sean Connor
"It's a massive change of direction, some people that I spoke to had their doubts and felt that I might be forgotten about being here.
"I could have sat at home and waited for someone to get the sack but I've been in that situation and it's not nice.
"So I thought that the worst that can happen [by coming to Africa] is having a life experience and experience a different football culture and that can only make me a better manager."
Connor went into coaching at a young age as a car accident curtailed his playing career.
"I don't think there's a club that I haven't left in a better position than I found it, besides the situation at Galway, where the monthly budget was tiny and it wasn't even getting paid towards the end," he explained.
"It's frustrating because it shows you how fickle football can be because one bad season can really damage your reputation and your career."

Noisy Neighbours 6pack

News filtering is that 6 pack might lost their most trusted Liutenent Chinyama and Washington Arubi as they pursue the great trek to mzansi.
Do you think these 2 will weaken the already weak 6pack???

penda greeeen ever greeeen kepekepe bhora